How to Pack a Gift Basket for the Man Whose Package You Admire
Twisted Wares
He’s got a package you love to admire. So what better way to tell him you plan on opening his package than giving him a package to open of his own?
We have know a special man who deserves to be appreciated. He shows up every day ready to be your guy (sometimes with a beer in his hand), ready to hang things, trim the bushes, and toss some meat on the grill. This man is the king of his castle, and he knows the queen makes all the rules.
He takes part in the age-old tradition of the hunt to provide for his family-sure, he calls you six times from the grocery store, but he hunts, nonetheless. He did the grocery shopping and now he is ready to rub his meat and prepare a masterpiece. So the next time he brings home provisions, be sure you have a bounty ready for him.
Make that man a gift basket!
Step 1: You need a basket
Find a container to make your base. Gift baskets are so great because it is several gifts in one package, so find a container that is useful and on theme. Let’s start this basket with a grill basket. Something that looks like this!
A grill basket is a great gift on its own; this is why it makes such a good base for your basket.
Step 2: The centerpiece
A centerpiece is a must. This is the tallest item in your gift basket. It doesn’t have to be tall to look tall, though. For the guy that grills, he’s going to love our new Just The Tip Apron. It will have him feeling great about his meat and ready to create his next masterpiece!
Grab some cardboard (think left-over gift box from last Christmas) and cut it tall but narrow. You want it wide enough to fold the edges of the apron around, leaving the graphic to stand out the way his package will, in appreciation. The height of your cardboard is determined by the height of all the goodies you plan to add around it. Next, fold the excess length of the apron behind your cardboard and use the ties to secure everything together.
Step 3: The Runner-Ups
The runner-ups in gift baskets are those fun items that bring the theme together but aren’t quite the star of the show. Example: we like them, but they aren’t centerpieces. So for this basket, we’ve picked out a few great Twisted favorites to make him laugh:
This I Will Cut You Candle will get him in the mood early Saturday morning to trim the bushes before putting his meat on the grill.
Runner-up is better than honorable mention, so be sure these items are prominently placed in your basket. If you’ve made your centerpiece tall enough, you can put these front and center beneath the graphic of the apron.
Step 3: The Fillers
The fillers, or the honorable mentions, are the fluff and fun of the gift basket. He’s not going to remember exactly what these items were but that they made him smile. You can get creative with this, but let us suggest a few items:
Dry Rub, duh. You can’t have a man out there rubbing his own meat without something to rub it with.
Spices. Throw in a few extra spices to ‘spice up’ the night. He’ll appreciate these.
Kabob Picks. Every now and again, you'll wanna poke something.
Step 4: Delivery
Set these packages up in your store, and help your lady customers enjoy their meat!